A Portrait of Foreign-Born Teachers in the United States

Yukiko Furuya, Mohammed Ismail Nooraddini, Wenjing Wang and Michelle Waslin
Date of Publication: 
January, 2019
Source Organization: 
Institute for Immigration Research

Teachers play a vital role in U.S. communities. They are responsible for educating our youth and young adults, and are instrumental in preparing the next generation of U.S. workers. Foreign-born teachers not only educate Americans, but also serve as cultural ambassadors for immigrant students who may not be as familiar with American traditions, customs and social norms. Recent immigration policy changes and proposals could have a harmful impact on immigrant teachers and on potential immigrant teachers who have not yet arrived in the United States. This is particularly relevant given the fact that there are teacher shortages in some regions of the United States and in some disciplines including bilingual education, foreign languages, mathematics and science. Foreign-born teachers could help to alleviate these shortages. A Portrait of Foreign-Born Teachers in the United States provides a statistical and demographic portrait of immigrant teachers in the United States and highlights differences between native- and foreign-born teachers as well as between postsecondary and non-postsecondary teachers. It also examines changes in immigration policy impacting foreign-born teachers. 

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Furuya, Y., Nooraddini, M. I., Wang, W., & Waslin, M. (2019). A Portrait of Foreign-Born Teachers in the United States. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Institute for Immigration Research. Retrieved from https://d101vc9winf8ln.cloudfront.net/documents/29869/original/Teacher_Paper_FINAL_WebVersion_012219.pdf?1548268969
