Remote Adult ESOL Case Studies

Date of Publication: 
January, 2021
Source Organization: 
World Education Services

Produced by World Education, as part of its Remote Adult ESOL Project, this report highlights eight separate programs that support remote ESOL learning across the United States. The goal of the project is to help scale ESOL programs in different contexts by documenting and disseminating viable models and practices. Data for this report was gathered during the winter and spring of 2021, as the project focused on ESOL programs’ and learners’ needs that heavily rely on remote tools and strategies. The eight case studies are supplemented by three additional resources: Policy and Practice Brief that presents policy considerations and recommendations; Creating Equitable Access to Remote ESOL and Supports in Multiple Contexts and for Distinct Populations and Purposes, a cross-case analysis of remote adult ESOL delivery through the lens of the varied organizational settings in which they operate and the supports needed to engage distinct ESOL populations; and Promising Remote ESOL Practices, a document that highlights specific practices and innovations of selected, nominated programs from onboarding to instruction, digital skills development, and student and teacher supports. The project is guided by its goal of meeting the unmet and possible new demand for U.S. citizenship prompted by the English language requirements under various immigration reform proposals. (Stephanie Depauw for The Immigrant Learning Center’s Public Education Institute)



Edtech, World Education (2021). Remote Adult ESOL Case Studies
